Karyn Marquis

What if one day you woke up and realized you didn’t have many (or any) photo’s of what mattered the most to you?

I realized this after we had meh engagement photo’s done.

They weren’t bad, but it just wasn’t us. She didn’t take the time to know us. So really how could she properly photograph us.

And it’s the llittle things that matter.

SO I endevoured to do a better job. It’s just that important.

I am blessed to be able to capture real images that show that, the relationship, the love. My sessions are planned but the images themselves are just you and your loved ones being you. No cheesy posing or awkward moments. We create those moments together. Drop me a line or text. I would love to chat. Karyn 603-933-1122 or email.

Awards: Portrait Masters

Featured, NH Chronicle, Seacoast Bark, U Local NH